Testimonial - Certified Passivhaus Designer Course

Sneha Sanu Das

Dive in with a curious mindset! It's going to be a challenging but rewarding few weeks! Guarantee you'll love the course, and the trainers will be there to keep things fun and engaging.

Sneha Sanu Das

Certified Passivhaus Designer Course

Low Energy Building Designer | Passivhaus Designer, Collective Architecture

What did you enjoy most about the course?

It was an enriching experience to learn from the trainers, drawing on their profound expertise.

What is the most useful thing you have learned?

Having prior experience with PHPP, I found it beneficial in gaining a deeper understanding of the concepts and formulas integrated into the PHPP program.

How has this course benefited you?

The course has enabled me to further apply the knowledge alongside our team of experienced Passivhaus Designers to ensure better integration of Passivhaus principles into every project.

Do you have any tips for future participants?

Guarantee you'll love the course, and the trainers will be there to keep things fun and engaging.

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+44 (0)1752 686890


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