Dr Sarah Price

Director, Building Physicist, Technical Author for PAS 2035/2030. Member of the Retrofit Steering Task Group, AECB Expert Advisor, Passivhaus Trust Technical Advisor.

Dr Sarah Price

Sarah is Technical Director of Spruce Consulting. She has over a decade of experience in the construction industry and specialises in Passivhaus, sustainability, low energy buildings and retrofit.

She has worked on multiple Passivhaus projects, including the Passivhaus Leisure Centre in Exeter and over 90 certified Passivhaus dwellings across the country and is co-author of the Passivhaus Trust's Technical Guidance 'Demystifying Airtightness', Technical Author for the new retrofit Standard PAS 2035 as well as editor of the Retrofit Coordinator level 5 Diploma to which she contributed the Building Physics training material.

Sarah is a specialist in building physics, including moisture in buildings, which is applicable to many sectors including retrofit of traditional buildings.

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